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Plan-It Green Friendly Park

Plan-It Green Friendly Park - ARVC

Jim Creek is proud to be a Plan-It Green Friendly Park through the National Association of RV Parks & Campgrounds. To be recognized as a Plan-It Green Friendly Park, Jim Creek met 11 eco-friendly criteria:

  1. Demonstrates and communicates conservation, and recycling practices to employees, and guests.
  2. Park provides recycle bins for cans, paper, glass and plastic
  3. Park uses energy-saving products and appliances
  4. Park uses motion sensors or other lighting control devices
  5. Park uses non-toxic biodegradable cleaning products
  6. Park landscaping consists of wood chip, pebble, paved, or grass paths
  7. Park uses post-consumer recycled products
  8. Park participates in on-site organic composting
  9. Park utilizes energy-efficient lighting products and solutions
  10. Park uses water-saving faucets, toilets, shower heads, water heaters and/or laundry
  11. Park recycles hazardous waste materials (i.e.: batteries, electronics, toxic chemicals)

Examples of Jim Creek’s Environment Stewardship to obtain the Plan-It Green Friendly Park title include:

  • Jim Creek utilizes over 30 recycling stations throughout the park to recycle cans, paper, glass & plastic products.
  • Jim Creek utilizes motion sensor lighting in non-essential rooms to reduce energy use. This includes storage rooms, office space, restrooms, etc.
  • Jim Creek uses gravel on all side roads and hiking paths, and wood chips on all tent sites, flower beds and playgrounds.
  • Jim Creek uses only post-consumer recycled products including picnic tables, trash can frames, signage and paper.
  • Jim Creek participates in on-site organic composting through a community bio-dump shared with other programs on the Installation.
  • All office lighting, light poles and outdoor flood lights used LEED lighting practices. The Interior of cabins use CFL or LED light bulbs.
  • Jim Creek recycles all hazardous waste materials including batteries, propane bottles, light bulbs, paint, cleaning supplies, electronics and chemicals. HAZMAT is stored in a HAZMAT Accumulation Area and arranged for pickup by a HAZMAT department.
  • Jim Creek uses only non-toxic biodegradable cleaning products that are on our Authorized Use List in our MSDS Binder.
  • Jim Creek actively demonstrates and communicates conservation and recycling practices to employees and guests including building energy conservation usage reports and recycling accumulation.

How do Jim Creek’s green efforts positively impact guests?

Our green efforts positively impact our guests by reducing costs. Over the past two years, our recycling program has saved Jim Creek, and ultimately our guests, $2,510 by recycling approximately 10.2 tons of waste that was saved from landfills. This allows us to pass on the savings to the guests and keep lodging rates extremely reasonable.

What green project made the most impact on Jim Creek?

Jim Creek completed an entire signage overhaul last year and eliminated all steel, aluminum and wood signs and converted all signage to post-consumer recycled plastic signage. Recycled plastic lumber is manufactured from “post-consumer" HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) milk jugs. It does not leach toxic chemicals into the soil and water and will outlast treated wood products in harsh outdoor environments.

In addition to standardizing the signage, these recycled plastic signs will last over 30 years and keep plastic out of landfills. Approximately 1600 milk jugs are diverted from the waste stream to manufacture just one 250 lb. recycled plastic picnic table.

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